In the Josef Word editor, you may find blocks of text shaded in grey. These blocks contain advanced Microsoft Word features that can’t be edited in the Josef Word editor itself.
Editing locked blocks
If you'd like to edit these features, we recommend
- Exporting your automated document
- Making the edits in Microsoft Word
- Re-uploading the document to Josef
Be careful!
If you’d like to make the edits within Josef using our Word editor, you can do so by "unlocking" them. However, be careful!
By doing so, the advanced features in the block (such as cross-references) will be converted into regular text and will lose their dynamic functionality.
Once a locked block has been unlocked, it cannot be undone.
To unlock a locked block,
- Focus on the grey block you'd like to unlock. A floating toolbar will appear to the left
- Click on the ‘lock’ icon in the toolbar
- Click Unlock block
You can now edit the contents of the block.
Applying block rules
I'd you'd like to apply a block rule to a locked block, you can do so without unlocking the block. Here's how.
- Focus on the locked block
- Click Apply block rule and apply the rule as normal
This will retain the advanced features in the block.
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