The records you download are stored in standard CSV (Comma Separated Values) files. You may find that when you open your record in Microsoft Excel, the data displays all in the first column.
To have the data show in separate cells, you will need to update the settings on your Windows computer so that your List separators are commas instead of a semi-colons.
To do this, follow these steps on your Windows computer:
1. Go to Start on the taskbar and select the Control Panel.
2. From the Control Panel, select Clock and Region, and then Region.
3. Under Formats, select Additional settings.
4. Under Numbers, in the List separator field, enter a comma (,). Please see the image below as an example.
5. Select Apply and OK.
Now your .CSV file will display the data in separate cells in Excel. If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to for assistance.